Tag: Rick Aydelotte Skykomish

Real Friends of Skykomish

‘Friends of Skykomish’, a Facebook fan page devoted to self-immolation, ranting and hurling insults, has a new competitor, ‘Real Friends of Skykomish’. Rick Aydelotte, the face behind the new fan page, is a longtime resident and knows the ropes. Like others who have fallen out of favour with the ‘tavern crowd’, Rick has become prey …

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Skykomish Faces an Uphill Battle

Skykomish is struggling to avoid becoming just one more US Highway 2 ghost town. Nearby Grotto and others have already been pushed into the dust bin of history. Some were one horse towns. When their dominant industry and largest employer closed, residents fled, leaving only weeds to sprout from cracks in the street. Sky’s death …

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Rick Aydelotte on Drug Offenders

Local talent Rick Aydelotte’s recent European tour included visiting the Volterra territorial prison in Italy. Rick’s song, recorded on video, could however have been written anywhere, as governments all over the globe waste precious resources criminalizing law abiding individuals in the name of the so-called ‘war on drugs’. Thanks Rick from the Skykomish News for calling …

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